Friday, September 25, 2009

How Do You Score

Today our administrator came for lunch at the clinic. We are always a little edgy when he shows up! But today he brought a personality test for each of us. Actually it was fun guessing each others scores before we revealed our answers.
I believe that we have all lived together here long enough to really know one another. Most of us were able to guess correctly .
We seem to have many type D which is a dominating personality. In other words , we have a lot of chiefs and not to many Indians! With 15 females and 3 men that can make for interesting days sometimes! But all in all, we get along great. Did we learn from this experience? Why yes, we did! Never ever call Cynthia the queen bee! Mr. Diener may never be the same! Fortunately, my type I personality helped me to keep my big mouth shut this time! I may not fair so well next time. I do like to talk alot.

Friday, September 18, 2009

New Beginnings

New beginnings is just another way of saying,that life changes in an instant. We have only to wake each morning to find this out. Upon looking out our east windows,I am overwhelmed with God's majesty each day. Never is there a sunrise that is exactly the same. Never is there a day that is exactly the same.God gives us new grace and mercy every morning. He is abundant in His blessings for us.

This summer God has graced my family with much of His grace and mercy. We have experienced many changes, that we could have done with out. But none the less,He felt it necessary to give us the opportunity to turn to Him often.Even though we have close relationships between us,we still are each unique in our own way. Therefore we react differently to any given situation.

Our new beginnings start with our Mom. Once the leader of this pack, she is now a follower,looking for guidance in her ever confusing world. Making decisions for her is difficult. There are days that I feel like a tyrant taking away her freedom. But I must remember that it is my Heavenly Father making the changes,not me,not my brother. So we trudge along,praying continually,that we are following God's wishes for our Mom.

Our youngest daughter, is healing from thyroid cancer, Amen! And again,we have been asked to trust in the things we cannot see. Alex is healing from this illness,but she is now going through a life change with her spouse. Hearts are breaking ,doors are locked and we face another new beginning.I pray for them, that they may have open hearts to each others fears and anger. I pray that they will find their own way in this world and be better for it.

My brother is going to be a grandpa for the first time. Yes,another new beginning! I know that God will bless Curtis and Kaci with a beautiful child to love. And Mike will have his little side kick to spoil!

New beginnings. They are blessings from God even when we are not able to see the good in it. Someday He will show us His ultimate plan and it will be great!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Well I just turned 56 on the 4th of July with a whole lot of fan fare! I have always told my granchildren that the fireworks are for me! Some day they will be old enough to know that Nana is full of applesauce, but that is another story! We spent the weekend with family and friends hoping for nice weather and plenty of food. We had both, and the scales showed it this morning. Ughhh.Anyway, life goes on and I am another year older, but God has blessed me more than I could ever deserve.
At the end of a long weekend with extra loads of laundry, 4 gallons of milk, food and more food to prepare( not by me of course!),it is nice for the quiet to return. But I have a hard time letting those babies go and I just want to squeeze their mommies and daddies for sharing them with us!
Church on Sunday was excellent and I love our church home.I pray for everyone that you will be able to find a bible based church that you can feel at home in.Life teeters on the knowledge of God's word.To say that God is good, just does not do justice to His love and mercy that He shows to me and to my family. Thank you Lord Jesus for the everlasting love that you have poured out just for me! Yeah!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Philippians 4:5-7 " Let your gentleness be evident to all.The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything,but in everything by prayer and petition,with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
My heart has been anxious about a number of things lately. And this promise is going to be my mantra for the day. I need to practice giving thanks in all situations and to let God deal with the messy stuff that is causing the turmoil in my heart. It is so easy for me to think that if I just handle the situation then it will be better. But in reality,it would be better and much more effective if I would just pray about and release it.
Thank you Father, for giving me your promises this morning as I struggle with a decision. I will leave it in your hands and I will not waste my precious day of life, anxiously wondering what to do. I will go through the doors that you open for me today, and avoid those that seem to be closed. Give me strength and discernment as I wonder through the day.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Do you ever have those days that your heart hurts but you just don't know why? Mine is in a pickle today. I have found myself with tears several times this morning,with no apparent reason. Yet,I feel that the Lord is trying to lay something on my heart to hear.What is it Lord? What am I not hearing or seeing that is important? I think that I need some quite time to really get into His living word and discover what is there waiting for me.I think that I will go find myself a nice little spot and pour out my heart to my Father.Sometimes, we just need to sit at His feet for awhile and drink in His love and grace.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Do you believe in angels? I do more so today than yesterday. I have often felt the presence of someone or something at different difficult times in my life, but yesterday I became a firm believer in guardian angels.My little grandson Landen,had a close call yesterday at home. He proceeded to pull all of the drawers out on his mothers dresser in her bedroom. Now the TV and several picture frames and lamp were all sitting on this dresser at the time. Well the dresser became top heavy and fell on our little Landen.The television bounced off the bed and onto the floor, the glass frames and things all shattered and the edge of the dresser came to rest on the edge of the bed. Landen was trapped under it all but his guardian angel had made a little spot between the drawers for him to be safe. After much screaming and tears and panic his mommy and brother were able to get it picked up off of him to discover that he was unscathed by it all.Do angels exist? Yes, they do and I am one grateful Nana for them! I just hope that they have java in heaven because I am certain they will need the extra energy for this one!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Yesterday, my brother Mike and my nephew Curtis came over to help me install an underground sprinkler system. My job was to run a shovel! I can do this I announced,silly remark!Anyway, the morning progressed well and fast, shoveling seems to help the time go quickly. By noon my sister-in-law Tina and niece Ashley came to help out. Yea! Terri is to pooped to pop at this point and we are only half way there.It is now 100 degress outside and the yard seems to have grown in size or maybe I am getting a little tired.The boys did an excellent job and my yard is being watered as I sit here and type. Tina and Ashley were troopers and manned shovels with me. I am pretty sure that ditch digging is not on my agenda for awhile.Ed arrived home from work and afford a back rub after watching me limp and moan.It had to stop,the pain was more than I cared for. Hopefully I will be able to move freely today.Thank you Mike,Curty,Tina,Ashley for all that you did for me yesterday. You guys are the greatest and I will never know how to repay the kindness.

Friday, June 5, 2009


If I had my life to live over,I'd try to make more mistakes next time. I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I know of very few things I would take seriously. I would be crazier. I would be less hygienic. I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers and watch more sunsets. I would eat more ice cream and less beans. I would have more active troubles and fewer imaginary ones. You see, I am one those people who lives life prophylactically and sensibly and sanely, hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I have had my moments, and if I had it to do over again, I'd have more of them. In fact, I'd try to have nothing else. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day. I have been one of those people who never go anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a gargle, a raincoat and a parachute. If I had it to do over again, I would go places and do things and travel lighter than I have.If I had my life to live over, I would start barefooted earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would play hooky more. I wouldn't make such good grades except by accident.I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I'd pick more daisies. anonymous

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Once again it is 4:30 in the morning and here I sit with computer and a cup of coffee. One would think I would be exhausted after a day with our four grandchildren but they seem to be the only ones snoring this morning! Grandpa and I had them yesterday all to ourselves. We played outside, made a trip to the zoo, stopped for ice cream and topped off the day with a ride in the firetruck with Grandpa at the wheel. Zeke screamed as we climbed in the truck , but it wasn't long he was giggling like everyone else.Grandpa blew the air horn and opened his mouth at the same time as if it was coming from him. The kids cracked up and so did I. Honestly, there are times that would be a possibility with him!

After bathes and chocolate milk, everyone crashed early. Today I think we may work in the garden and from there not sure.The two boys I will have to get back to Salina at some point. It is always fun to have all of them, but I am tired after all the fun and the house is quiet again.

You know , when my kids were little , those sticky hand prints everywhere were annoying, but now we tend to leave them for several days after they are gone as a reminder of our fun! I have a poem about oatmeal kisses and it sure is true. Love those kisses! Love those kids!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Our daughter Alex had to be in Wichita this morning to start her therapy for the thyroid cancer. With much anticipation she arrived on time. The plane carrying her medication did not. Apparently it hit a goose and the windshield was broken and the plane was grounded. Her medication will arrive sometime later today.
I had sent her a text message this morning saying that I had been praying for peace in the turmoil.Little do we know when we pray that God is going to deliver the circumstance required to test out the prayer!
None the less, she is going to start therapy today at some point in time. Pray for a full recovery and yes for patience and peace in the storm.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


God has really been working overtime on me! It seems that everywhere I turn , there is a relationship that I need to work on. I find myself being double minded, I say one thing but think another. This is not in His plan for loving one another. I am discovering that I may not being walking the walk like I should.
This morning in church, Pastor was talking about the heroes in our world that have given their lives for freedom. But the greatest story of heroism is the story of Jesus.He gave us His death in order for us to have life. Amen!
Now if I am to live my life to please Him, then I must change my attitude and watch my thoughts and actions. I want my Hero to be praised and honored by my faith walk. I resolve to watch my words and stop my thoughts in their tracks. I will speak words of faith over those that I have spoken ill of. Lord , help me to live my life according to your will. Give me the strength and wisdom to love others as I would have them love me.

Friday, May 22, 2009

This is a picture of Aidan at his first camp out with the Cub Scouts. He and Dad had a great time and they made many new friends. I love you Mr. P!

Tonight my two grandchildren will be spending the night with me. So for entertainment, we will be fixing supper together. Since they are only 3 and almost 2 the menu will be simple. I have little smokies and biscuits for them to wrap and then we will make mac and cheese. All this to be eaten on the front porch with the flies and mosquitoes.

I am already anticipating the fighting over who stands where and does the most! But it will be fun and very lively! We may even have a blanket party on the living room floor and watch another round of The Fox and The Hound!

So to all who read this , have a wonderful weekend. Share it with someone you love! Me , I will be wrapped in laughter and love for the evening. Then I hope to see my other two little guys before the weekend ends.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This is a rainbow that my grandson Aidan made in school! I look at this and my heart soars because I know that my little A , has Jesus in his heart. I am collecting some of his art pictures and will be making a book on Shutterfly. If you haven't visited Shutterfly, they have fun ideas to create. Just wanted to share my rainbow! I hope that it brightens your day , like it does mine. There's no place like home, there's no place like home!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Last night I traveled to Salina to hear three amazing songs , RUBBER DUCKIE, THE SHOEMAKER,and I 'VE GOT PEACE LIKE A RIVER. These were the three songs that my 6 year old grandson, Aidan,sang at the school musical! We drove 75 miles to hear these precious babies belt out their very best! I loved it! And I will spend my last dime to travel to a concert that any of our little ones are involved in.
I have been teaching the kids to sign "I love you" and I was blessed with a quick little flick of the hand during the concert! My dream is to have a stocky football player give a signal from the field someday as he runs for a touch down and Nana is screaming like a fool from the stands! Or better yet, a cute big mug looking straight into the camera, saying I love you Nana! Yea !

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Coming Home

In Jeremiah 31:16-17 it says "But, I the Lord ,say to dry your tears. Someday your children will come home from the enemy's land. Then all you have done for them will be greatly rewarded. So don't lose hope . I, the Lord, have spoken."

When I read this passage , I was comforted by the words. I know that I can take these words and plant them in my heart and live for the promise to be fufilled. I know that Jesus will someday return all of my children to me. I know that someday He will hear their praises ! Thank you Lord Jesus for your comfort and peace.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

This is a picture of my mom on one of our horses. It was taken a few months ago on a nice warm day when our family was altogether for the weekend. My mom has always loved horses and always wanted one. She now comes to our house and will spend time sitting on the porch just watching them graze. This particular day the kids were wanting to ride so we saddled up Danny. Each one had taken their turn when Mom announced that she wanted to ride also.
Ed and Sean helped her up into the saddle and off they went. I do believe that she made more noise than any of the kids! Her excitement was contagious! She begged for more just as loudly as the others and she had her share of rides. It was a great day and I will always cherish the moments that she giggled as a little girl would do.
My mom is aging and with that she is showing signs of dementia. The day will come she will not remember the horse ride, but I will. I love you, Mom. It breaks my heart to see you lost and alone in your own little world. Thank you for your love and for the memories you have shared.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Mouse In The House

I should keep this little story to myself since it reveals my aging mental status, but it was to funny to not share.
The other day I had washed a pair of my tennis shoes,this morning I put them on for the first time. It was still dark outside and I had gone to the front door to let our cats in. As I stepped on the tile and opened the door, I was confronted with a squeaking noise.Quickly I slammed the door shut thinking there was a mouse or a rat at the door. Becoming a little agitated I was moving my feet around which kept producing this squeaking noise. It took me just a little bit of bouncing around to realize that the noise was coming from my shoes and not from a mouse in the house waiting to run up my pant leg.
I was happy that my husband had already gone to bed for the day and had not watched my new dance step.I shared this with my girls at work and of course they wanted to see the new dance, but I refused to share!
I wonder what the cats thought? I probably don't wish to know since they seem to be the ones that sees all of my goofy antics.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This morning I was blessed with a passage that promises me , my children will be ok. In my tangled mess, I cry out and worry that my children will not understand and further more won't wish to understand.But as I said I was blessed with Jeremiah 31:16-17. " Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work shall be rewarded says the Lord and your children shall return from the enemy's land. And there is hope for your future says the Lord your children shall come back to their own country."
Our relationship with Alex will mend, and all of our children and grandchildren will someday praise and honor our Heavenly Father! I can give it all to my Father and he will graciously detangle the mess that I have made. He will deliver me and my children! Amen, amen!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Yesterday, I took a vacation day from work to be at home for the arrival of Ed's Dad from Ks. City. He is in his 80's , he is only 5ft tall seriously, but he drives like a mad man.They left Ks.City at 7:oo am and called us from Marion at 8:00 am.Whoo! Thank goodness the highway patrol was still sleeping, I am thinking!Any how they arrived safely and our day began.
Ed and his Dad are so much alike it scares me. Well into our second pot of coffee there was a knock at our door and to my surprise there stood Alex!!! She had come to see Grandpa and to see our new home. This is the first time for years that she has entered our home!
The whole day was wonderful and a true blessing from God. We talked and laughed , we had lunch together and made final plans for her surgery on Wednesday.I can't even begin to express my feelings as I watched her with her Dad and Grandpa. God is Good and He lives in my house!
Thank you for your prayers and I ask for them to continue through her recovery.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Ed and I just found out that our youngest daughter Alex, she is 25 , will be having surgery next week to have her thyroid removed. It is very large and has multiple irregular nodules. Needless to say we are all unnerved at the moment. I am asking for prayer for Alex. I know in my heart that she and Ed are not trusting in God right now.
I want to give a little back ground on Alex. She is my stepdaughter, and when she was a junior we parted ways with much anger. She has not been in our home since that horrible day.I will confess that I was all to much the problem and my pride got in the way. I didn't behave like a parent but as a selfish child. It was during that time that I found myself broken and lost.
I knew that things had to change in my walk with Jesus in order for things too ever change in my relationship with Alex. I have prayed face down on the floor, tears streaming and my heart broken. Lord , please bring her home to us. Over the years I have tried to reach out to her and she has reluctantly reached back, not often but she did reach. And now this has been handed to us.
I am placing her completely in God's hands and will let Him gently soothe my heart. I know that He will open doors when all seems impossible.I fear for Ed and for Alex, they don't trust and they will let fear rule their hearts. I am praying that through this all, that our Heavenly Father will soften her heart to my words of love for her.I want so much to hold her in my arms again and to stroke her hair as I tell her I love you, Alex.
So to each of you that read this, please pray for Alex and pray for our relationship to be renewed.Now I know how our shepherd feels as He patiently waits for us to come home. He will run to us and scoop us up into His loving arms with love and grace to comfort us.
He promises us healing, He promises us comfort, He promises us life and living water! I accept those promises and will stand at every chance to praise His Holy Name! Thank you Father for loving me and for never giving up on this sorry soul.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun!

I had a wonderful Easter weekend. It looked like all would be dreary and raining, but instead God gave us many blessings. Ed had to work, and I had planned a cook out on Sunday evening with the kids. But Mother Nature changed my plans. Crockpots were filled with chili and chicken noodles in place of the hamburgers and hotdogs.
Just like the weather man had said the rain came and our road turned to slush. I was beginning to wonder if a canoe would be needed. After calling the kids and warning them of the mud, they all laughed at my worrying and informed me , all would be well! And it was.
A cousin from Oklahoma called and said they were passing by and wanted to stop. So we had an unexpected but exciting reunion! Why do we always wait until tragedy strikes before we get together as families? It is so much more fun to visit just for the heck of it! I sure hope that we can get together again soon. There is never enough time to say everything.
My mom and a friend arrived to enjoy the confusion going on in the house. Kids were playing and adults were laughing and sharing. It was great! Ed arrived home to be greeted by four little squirts ready to wrestle with Grandpa. He slept well last night!
As I said we a beautiful day in spite of the rain. Things just can't get any better when you are surrounded by your family and friends! I have learned one thing for certain," When I am with my family , I have everything!"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Just letting all of you know that little Josie returned to school yesterday. She had her surgery and all is well for right now. My little Aidan explained to me that Josie was popular like the president, she had body guards and people everywhere touching her! I believe he was miffed about her popularity!
But once again, our Heavenly Father has granted us peace and joy in the return of Josie to her family and classmates. He is an awesome God!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well, I jumped out of the boat and into the water this weekend. And by golly, I had a great time with my adventure. We have been needing a new deck out the back door into the garage. Safety issues were getting out of hand. My honey, has not had a day off in months and therefore hasn't gotten the project started. So I decided to pray about the issue and then I set out to do it myself. God is an excellent carpenter and he was by my side all weekend. I built a 4ft by 8ft deck by myself.My son Zachary came by as I was starting the flooring and he helped with the finishing.
I was so excited and extremely tired but I am proud of the effort and the new knowledge I now have about tools. I don't know that I would like doing this for a living, I seem to be a sissy of sorts. My body is now screaming at me and I realize again, that my exercise routine is lacking.
Anyway, the deck is still attached to the house , my honey says that I did an awesome job, "that is all the payment that I need", and Zac and I had a great time working together.
Thank you Jesus for your blessings and for the knowledge that helped me through the building. I hope to start our deck out the back whenever the snow stops flying! Think I can do it ?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Yesterday, our two grandchildren Falyn and Zeke were spending the afternoon and night with us. They love to help at what ever it is you are doing, so do my two little guys from Salina! Any way I had a vanity chair that needed a new cover on it. So Falyn and Nana set off to recover the chair. She was in charge of holding the screwdriver and plugging her ears when I used the staple gun! After a few stretches and tucks the chair looks brand new. And Falyn is showing anyone that is interested her masterpiece! I love doing things with my grand babies. They certainly help me to see things through different eyes.

That leads me to, how much better would the world be if we all chose to see others through God's eyes. Our earthly eyes tend to deceive us with our rose colored glasses. But when I look at others with a heart like my Fathers, I see a different person. It is true that you cannot judge a book by it's cover, and people are the same. I would wonder what people think of me sometimes while sporting my sassy attitude or my tongue of fire. I am sure they would rather turn and run.

But fortunately my Heavenly Father has taught me a lesson that I choose not to learn again.During some periods in my life , when I thought that I was the only one that was worth having around, He let me see people close to me through His glasses. I think I like His glasses better than mine!

Even when life allows us a few tucks and staples to look better on the outside, only what is on the inside counts in the long haul. We never know what another is going through until we have walked a few miles in their shoes or took the time to see them through perfect eyes!


My little grandson Aidan, has a classmate that has a brain tumor. Josie is a little blonde bombshell with a zest for life. Apparently , last week she had a grand maul seizure. It was then that the tumor was discovered. She will be having surgery sometime this week , so if you would please keep her in your prayers , it would be greatly appreciated. Aidan has asked a few questions about the situation, but doesn't understand the possibilites that Josie may face. He is asking about prayer and how it works. I asked his mommy to have him sing some of his prayers for Josie, since our Heavenly Father loves to hear us sing praises to His name. I am believing that God will take care of little Josie and get her back to school with her classmates and friends soon. I will keep you updated on her progress.

Monday, March 23, 2009


This past Saturday, my two girls and I met up with a niece and aunt in Ks. City. The day started at 5 am so we could be on the road by 6. Then a 3 hr. drive to the city. I am an early bird , so this didn't bother me much. We hit the road running upon our arrival. Now I had not planned on spending much. But with 4 grandchildren and 2 adopted grandchildren , it is hard to not spend! We hit all of the little kids clothing stores and it was fun.
After much shopping , we turned to buying flowers for my nieces upcoming wedding.I get the honor of making her flowers! I love doing this and I pray that I can give her what she is wanting! The wedding will be in October in a rustic chapel in the mountains of Colorado. I can hardly wait!
The five of us got into a discussion about religion. It is now my quest to write something for my girls to read and hopefully follow. So pray that God will give me the words to speak and to write.I want them to understand the depth of His love and His forgivness. I want them to feel His presence in their lives and to know the peace and joy of loving Him!
Our trip was great and I hope to go again with my girls. In the mean time it is back to work so I can afford it!

Monday, March 16, 2009


At the moment , I am sitting here looking at some of my favorite things and I am loving it!
1. Blue eyes
2.Blonde hair and red hair
3.Smiling faces
4.Dirty hands offering dirty rocks and treasures
5. Snotty noses
6.Small footprints in the sand
7.Coloring pages with I love you Nana scribbled on them
8.Blankets used for rubbing tired noses
9.Fingerprints on my nice clean windows! I enjoy keeping those for a few days!
10.Row of little boots and tennis shoes
11.Trail of food crumbs
12.Pile of ponies and building blocks

Yes, these are a few of my favorite things that is attached to my favorite grandchildren! We are spending a few days together just the five of us. Thank you for sharing!

Friday, March 13, 2009


My son and daughter in law have a beautiful chocolate lab. Millie is her name and she just made them grandparents to nine little black puppies!We didn't even realize until two weeks ago that she was expecting and not just fluffy! Her fluffiness was now decorated with dangling participles. Did I spell that right? Any way Wednesday evening upon arrival from work , the kids were greeted with eight puppies. Two did not make it but six were healthy. Later that evening , Millie went outside to take a break from motherhood and returned to deliver one more little puppy. Where did that come from?
My granddaughter, Falyn, spent a good share of the evening crying,because she couldn't understand why the puppies were crying and were so sad. Everyone finally settled into bed for the night only to be awakened by more moaning from Millie. She had delivered two more puppies! Now it was the kids turn to moan! A few days have passed and no new puppies have arrived, so we are hoping that she is finished at last.
The next step is to figure out what will we do with nine puppies? Well, I have a plan! Easter is just around the corner and with Easter is baskets! There are twelve clinic girlfriends, but only nine puppies. So who will get the Easter surprise and who will go home empty handed? Now don't tell Barb, because I really don't want her to pick and choose her basket!
OK, I won't really do this , but wouldn't it be fun to see their faces just before they hit me?
Puppies for sale! FREE TO A GOOD HOME!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Sunday was such a nice day to be outside working in the yard. The only problem my yard is a forest more or less! We have plenty of trees to contend with and last year God delivered an ice storm. What was once upright is now a mass of limbs covering the ground.
The sun was shining and I in all of my wisdom chose to wear shorts. In and out of the trees and weeds I worked. Three hours of hard labor and this morning I received my reward.As I put on my slippers I discovered that my legs are covered in what appears to be poison ivy or oak. It is ugly to say the least.
Bears live in the woods, but bare legs don't belong there! So much for helping out. Maybe I should have asked for some advice before I tried to do this on my own. I seem to have a knack for stubbornness.
1 Timothy 2:11 says " A woman should learn in quietness and full submission."
I didn't sit quietly and ask for advice, and I didn't feel like submitting to anyones words. So today I pay the price with ugly welts on my legs.
I think that I will be a little more open to words of wisdom , like just leave it and I will get to it sooner or later,(Ed). But I will also spend more quiet time and ponder over God's word. He is the master and the teacher.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Tonight the Ladies of Faith Bible Church are meeting. Our guest speaker will be Kris Goertzen from Hutchinson, Kansas. I am truly looking forward to the evening. I have been struggling with my attitude towards lack of attendance, but with much prayer and meditation I have overcome my sin nature to complain.
My dear sweet husband , who seems to have more wisdom than I do at times, had a long talk with me recently. I apparently don't like to designate and feel that I need to do it all. So I gave up the doing and gave jobs to those that wished to help out. To my surprise, these ladies are having fun planning and getting it all done.I am so anxious to sing the songs of praise that they have planned and to eat the sweet treats they have baked for us.
But I do feel as if I am going to this party only half dressed. All I have to take tonight is myself and clean clothes.I should have given up my obsessive attitude earlier in the program. Maybe there would be more attending and participating.
So it is now that I must repent of my behavior and ask for forgiveness from the ladies. I want so much for each one to feel special and needed. After all the women's ministry isn't just for one.
So I am asking prayerfully for a new attitude for spring! I will clean my closet of negative emotions and lay my attitude down for Jesus to sweep away. I love the ladies of Faith Bible and wish to see each of them actively participating in all areas. God is good to us and we need to show our love and respect to Him by the changes we make in our own lives.
Love you , Ladies!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


March has arrived and I find myself glad that February is gone. Two years ago on February 4th my Dad passed away after a long battle. Now my friend Charlotte is suffering through the same with her Dad. Joe is in his final days and Charlotte has a broken heart. I can truely understand the turmoil that you go through as you stand helplessly by. She told me this morning that she had picked up a bible in the chapel at the hospital and it fell open to John 16. In verse 16 she read " In a little while you will see me no more and then after a little while you will see me again."
She asked if I thought God was speaking to her about Joe. I told her He was just letting her know that this was just the beginning for her Daddy. His sorrow will be turning to joy soon! Amen! Thank you Lord for your comfort and your loving words.
It is so true,if we only allow Jesus to minister to us , he will in the most unusal ways.God loves us with a vengence, and He desires to tenderly hold us in our storms. I have felt His love in the words of a song, or a hug from a friend. His love has come to me in the form of a rose from a stranger on Valentines Day.Just this morning as I looked out across the pasture at our horses, two of them were tenderly grooming each other. The sun was just rising and the scene was quite and beautiful.
Thank you Jesus for stroking my heart and showing me love like you do. Be with my friend Charlotte, stroke her heart also, Jesus. Take Joe gently by the hand and lead him home, release him from this broken body. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us the memories to cherish until we meet again!

Friday, February 27, 2009


As my day dawned, I chose to be not so diligent in my quiet time with the Lord. Instead of reading His word and having my prayer time, I was instead busy being a Martha. The story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10 tells how Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to His teaching. But Martha was busy in the kitchen being grumpy! Guilty! I hurried around my home doing busy stuff. Yet in that harried state, I still left laundry undone and dishes to wash.
Was it worth what I have given up in this day? My soul is down cast, my heart is heavy, and things are irritating. If I had only sat at His feet this morning, my burdens I could have laid down.
Isaiah 26:3 tells me “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in You.” I didn’t have enough faith to know that all the laundry would done in due time. I didn’t leave my cares in His hands. If only I could leave my sinful ways behind, days like today would not be so frequent.
Father, forgive me for being to busy to sit at your feet. Life is so much easier when I let you be in control. Thank you for loving me even in my selfish ways. My grief is great Father, so I will take the time to come to you in repentance, and then give my day to you to direct.
“My soul melts from heaviness; strengthen me according to your word.” Psalm 119:28
For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

Monday, February 23, 2009

It's Supper Tonight!

I have invited my son and his family to come for supper tonight. It won't be anything special, I just want to spend time with them. I called Chauncey last night and invited them for Lasagna and with the promise I would pick up the kids at daycare. She jumped right on that one!
Now my daughter Heather, would want to know are you fixing it from scratch or is it frozen? I usually try to lie about it and pass it off as homemade , but it unless I do a good job of hiding the box and getting it placed in a nice glass pan, she figures out my laziness! Chauncey on the other hand has never complained about my frozen entrees!
If you have not tried the frozen lasagna that you can get at the store , you should try it. It is really good for a quick and easy meal.What is that sound? Heather? Is that you laughing at this little story of mine? I will surely get a comment on this one!
Any way , 5:00 can't come soon enough. The two little ones, will help me feed the horses and I am sure we will play in Grandpa's big pile of sand before we go in. Yes , it will be fun. I have a new scrapbook toy to show to Chauncey, so maybe we can have a little time with each other also. Heather, my lack of enthusiasm in the kitchen is all due to laziness. I can cook when I choose to. But for now I would rather play with my babies.
Next month, I will have my two Salina boys for two nights! I can hardly wait! I promise to stock up on shampoo! Love ya Sis! I just love to hear you squeal! Love you too Chauncey. Do I agitate you too? Just wait until the GG syndrome sets in!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


For those of you that follow my blog, I ask if you would be kind enough to give me some input on this. Recently I purchased a massage table. I am not licensed but I have always wanted to do massage therapy. Any way, for the moment ,I am only doing massages for my girls that I spend time with and of course the family!
I have had conversations lately with several ladies that are hurting not only physically but also emotionally,spiritually. When I mentioned the massage table they would respond with oh wow I wish that I could afford to have one sometime, or something along that line. Now my heart is saying that I need to do something for these ladies also.
As a ministry , I would like to offer free thirty minute massages to those that I know are in need of relief from their physical pain and their spiritual pain.I have also priced the Gospel Primer booklets and would like to use those as a way of talking to them about salvation. Is this a doable thing or am I way off on this one?

Friday, February 20, 2009


1. I love cowboy boots and would have a closet full if my hubby would allow it!
2. My hair is my passion, I color and cut it frequently and have had some bad accidents with the whole scene. I guess as long as it doesn't fall out , I will be ok.
3.I skipped class one day during my junior year. Seven of us left town and went to our neighboring city, nine miles away, but was promptly seen by the PE teacher. I believe he may have been skipping school also, but none the less , we still had to pay the price of freedom.Never did that again, after Dad had his say!
4. My best friend and I were smoking before school one morning and caught the trash can on fire in her parents home. That is not a smell that you can easily get rid of!
5. I had three grandmothers. Two of them taught me cooking skills. One taught me how to cook quite the spread. The other taught me how to burn even a pan of water. My third grandmother had a passion for her hair also. It was always bright red, maybe that is where my little quirk came from!
6. I was named after the red headed grandmother only to find out after her death, that her name was not May, but was Victoria. Way off dad, he tried!
7. My first car was a simca, straight from the local junk yard. Dad brought it home and proudly gave it to me . It looked like a green pea on wheels. It had a three speed on the column, with no reverse, and the right back door was broken. So when necessary to ditch a friend you just placed them near that door and made a sharp turn. It got me into a lot of trouble.
8. Growing up we had a pet crow that Dad brought home. He seemed to bring home the strangest things. It learned to talk and followed us to school often. I was so embarrassed.
9.I have always thought of myself as easy going but apparently not so. Mom caught me on film when I was 5 and my brother was 2, sweeping the sidewalk and well He was in my way. With one swift swing I cracked the poor kid in the head. He brings that up every now and then!
10I flew to New York and walked a marathon and a half for Avon Breast Cancer Foundation. I did my own training , then took my two girls with me to meet a niece that lived in New York at the time. We had a wonderful time. At the finish line my daughters met me with flowers and as we were leaving a homeless woman was sitting on the curb alone. My heart told me to give her a rose, her tears and thankfulness will haunt me forever. I often wonder about her and I pray that God has delivered her from this burden.
11. I love my Eddie with all my heart and I want the world to know what a great husband he is. He takes wonderful care of me and loves our children with all of his heart.
12. My children and grandchildren hold the key to my heart and will forever! I love you.
13. I am head of our Ladies ministry at Faith Bible Church. This is a job that I take seriously. I pray that God will direct my every step to do His work according to His will.
14.My list could go on but I won't prolong this any longer!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


It is almost 5:00 am and again I am awake! I have been using this time to read the Gospel Primer, which is blessing my heart.
After reading the portion about our cups of life's blessings that we are given everyday, my heart breaks when I am reminded of my ungrateful attitude from time to time.
Jesus, gives us new grace with each day. He gives us blessings to use each day. Do I look at my cup as being half full or half empty? I pray for strength to always view it as half full! If I were to receive the wrath each day , that I so deserve, I would collaspe from the weight of it all. Instead, I can view my cup and be thankful for the blessings that have been poured out upon me. Thank you , Jesus!
Philippians 4: 6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.And the peace of God,which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds , in Christ Jesus." How can I not look at my cup that is given to me each day, and not be blessed with it's contents?
Lord Jesus, give me the eyes to see you in every detail of my life. Thank you for the blessings that you have poured out before me. Thank you for the cup of living water that quenches my thirst. Father give me the opportunity to be a foot washer today. Help me to share the blessings in my life with those whom have not yet opened their hearts to you .Father, have mercy on my soul , that I may spend eternity in Heaven at your feet.
My Blessings:
Heather, Sean, Aidan, Landen
Zachary, Chauncey,Falyn, Zeke
Mike, Tina,Bruce,Aly,Curtis, Kaci,Ashley,Lucas, Chris, Lliam,Lindsey,Rodger,Sherry
My friends, my coworkers, my church family
To each of you , I am thankful for your love and the memories that we have been given.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Well it is Monday, and I have taken a vacation day to spend time with my man. Our schedules are so crazy or I should say his schedule is so crazy , that I am required to take vacation days just to be with him. I am not complaining, I love to spend time with my Ed. We have spent the morning with our horses. And this afternoon we go to the vet with Tripp. Ed is worried sick over his horse, so pray that all is well.
This past weekend we went to visit some friends. They are in the process of buying a home and doing some remodeling. Ed and I have promised to help. We are looking forward to this venture.Brian and Misty , I believe are ready to throw in the towel! It is very difficult to pick and choose colors and such and still be speaking at the end! I know,we just built a house and it is a trial for any marriage!
My family and Mike's family met in McPherson last night and celebrated Mom's 77th birthday. It was so cool to have everyone there. My four grandbabies kept us all laughing and busy. Aidan and Landen fell in love with my nephews girlfriend, Alisha! Her ears are probably still ringing from all of their stories! Curtis and Zeke always hit it off. Curtis seems to be ready for little ones of his own. Hint Curty!
God has greatly blessed Ed and I. We have so many children and friends to love and be with , it is hard on my heart when I let myself think about it. I hope that everyone will be as blessed as we are, where family and friends are concerned.
While we were with Brian and Misty this past weekend, I had the chance to spend extra time with little Addison. She is three and loves horses, so much like our little Falyn! I want to let the two girls spend time together and have fun. It will be fun for me to just watch them interact! It has been an excellent weekend and I am sorry that it goes so quickly. But I will simply tuck the memories into my heart and get on with the new day. By the way, I have received the copy of the Gospel Primer. This is an awesome book.I am planning on buying several and giving them away. Thanks for the book, Amy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


“O Lord, you have searched me and known me,”
As I read psalm 139, it became clear to me that my life was not my own. Jesus loved me and knew me long before my body was formed. He already had me labeled as His daughter. He chose the color of my eyes, He chose the color of my hair, and He chose the Mommy that He would give me too.
Jesus wrote my name on the palm of His hand. With those hands he fashioned my days. Jesus already knew every word I would speak, every deed that I would do. And He forgave me. Yes, before my body came to this earth, before my Mother held me in he arms, I had already been forgiven. I had been granted everlasting life with a Father, who would never leave me or forsake me! No matter where life takes me, my Heavenly Father is always there to love and to guide me, with a tenderness that is beyond comprehension. His kingdom is my kingdom. His glory is my glory. The only thing I am required to do is to stay focused on Him. My Father will shelter me through life’s storms and He will be my strength. Thank-you Father, for giving me the greatest gift of all, eternal life, the blood of the cross. Amen!

What's Up?

Once again I was up long before dawn. I seem to only need about 4-5 hours of sleep right now. I am not sure who decided this, I know that I haven't! I guess I should be checking into this with my Doctor or maybe just leave well enough alone and let Jesus make the call!
Once that I am awake, I get up start my coffee and get my bible out. I use this time to study God's word and to pray. So maybe Jesus has decided that I need some extra study time and 3:00 am to 4:00 am would be His choice of time.
If I was worn out by mid morning , then I should probably worry. But so far my Heavenly Father is giving me the energy I need to get through the day and do what I need to do. Thank you for your strength! Is this His way of teaching me to stay strong in my faith? Maybe! Ok, Father, I will do what you ask of me and not complain. I would like to remind you that an occasional day of sleeping in would be nice!
Some of you may wonder , is it right for me to ask for rest when He seems bent on using this time to teach me? I think so. The bible clearly states that we , as His children have the right to come to Him and ask for the things we need. He tells us to ask boldly and to never grow weary of spending time with Him or of doing what He has called us to do.
So with that said, I will get myself dressed and ready for another day at work. I do have one more request! It is so cold and rainy this morning, Father. Could you calm the winds and send those clouds scooting? I love sunshine , ya know! I love you too and I am grateful for the time you are providing for us to spend together, uninterrupted!

Monday, February 9, 2009


The valentine story was written several years ago. My mom is still living and doing fairly well. Her memory is getting worse but then so is mine.As a young girl, my mom would sit and listen to me cry and rant over everyday trials. She would simply hug me and then send me on my way to figure it all out. It is now my turn to listen to her and help her figure out life. Since dad passed away , she is so lonely and lost. Many days she will come to the clinic where I work and just sit for a while.
So much of the time she is lost in time. Her events of a few moments ago are easily forgotten. And events of the past can cause confusion. But we sit together and she will just watch as I go about my work. I know that the day is fast approaching and I will miss those moments together.
Yu that still have a parent still living, please take the time to enjoy them. If there is a problem to be fixed then by golly go fix it. Time gets away far to quickly. Mike , my brother and I have been so lucky to have our families close to each other. We have had many memories made over the years with parents, grandparents and now grandchildren.
I don't know what Jesus has in the makings for us this year, but whatever He brings to us , we will stand in faith and believe in His promises. Mom? She will always be welcome to sit in my chair and watch. She can ask all the questions she can remember and I will answer softly. Thank you Mom, for your love and dedication to our family. You are truly a Titus 2 Woman. I have learned so much from you. Your birthday is just a few days away. We will have a big celebration and look forward to next year. You make a great Valentine present to your children and grandchildren and we love you.

My Valentine Girl

Valentines Day is very special to me. When I was a little girl, it was all about the Valentine cards. Who would give me a card? Would I get a lot of them? It was always fun in school to make cards for everyone in the classroom. We would cut and paste and use enough glitter to cover the wings of a dozen angels. Ahh, the anticipation.
Then as a teenager it took on a different meaning. Now it was all about that special guy in your life. You always hoped that he could afford to at least buy chocolates. But if you were in between boyfriends or if you were not the prettiest and didn’t have a boyfriend, well that was a whole new area. Valentines day could be painful.
Now as an adult, I have come to realize that Valentines Day is all about my Mother. Her birthday falls on Valentines Day. As a child, that bit of information wasn’t important. I could only see my own desires. With some years gone by and hopefully some gained wisdom, I see how wonderful the day really is. Mom, is seventy-five now. She prefers to forget the birthday part of it. But I have discovered that she mails out cards to family and friends, as her own personal celebration of the day. I know that the day will come we will miss receiving those cards.For right now, Happy Valentines Day, Mom! I love you! Happy Birthday also! Thank-you for all the years that I forgot or was too selfish to give to you, and you loved me anyway. You are the greatest Valentine gift, ever.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


In my loneliness, I wonder does anyone really care? The pain, the hurt, the anger are overwhelming. All I want is for someone to hear me, to touch me, to love me. I have that someone , His name is Jesus. He was chosen before creation to be my redeemer. He is my father, I am his daughter. He is my husband, I am his bride. He is the lover of my soul.
While living life, we can easily stray. Each of us try to take the wheel and steer the happenings in our lives to suit our own desires. Caution and wisdom is cast away. Our flesh cries out to be satisfied now. It is in that season of our lives , that we can become broken.
Some of us may wonder around in the wilderness for many years. We may have known Jesus, heard his word, but now reject it. It is during that time of dwelling in the pits of addiction , pain, loss, rejection, loneliness, that God begins to speak to us. C.S. Lewis once said that “God whispers in our pleasure but shouts in our pain.”
Our heavenly father wants to be the center of our life. He longs to be our father. He wants me to return his love as any bride or daughter would do. He longs to be the only lover of my soul. Wow! I am not alone! There is someone who hears me when I cry. The pain of loneliness is gone because my husband is always there to love me and to help me. My father holds me tenderly in his arms as I crawl out of my pit. He will you also.
My redeemer lives! He is living within me, he loves me and will walk every step of the way ,if I will only allow Him to. Thank you for the gift of your love !

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Thank you for making my day, Amy! It is 6:00 am and I have been up since 3:30 to get my man off to work. The laundry is done, the vaccuming is finished and I was cruising my blog. To my surprise , I was a winner. I am so excited to read the Gospel Primer. To everyone that has Jesus in your life I commend you. He is the reason for living, for loving and for praising! Have a great weekend and I will be back to post again later.
In Faith

Friday, February 6, 2009

Vegas Bound

My daughter Heather and coworkers have arrived in Vegas for a three day meeting. Sis has a really great job and I am very proud of her. She works for New Horizons Dental Care, with four docs and numerous technicians(coworkers). Every year they are taken on a trip of some sort by their doctors! This year Crown Counsel was in Vegas. Part of the activities will be a talent show. Ashley, one of the girls in Sis' group became a final contestant. She will be singing and the girls will be cheering her on! I am anxious to hear the results!
I know that Heather and the others are having a wonderful time and they always come home with great new ideas. It is also a great way for this Nana to have extra time with her boys! The boys and I had a great day yesterday and was blessed with great warm weather. Aidan even pulled out his shorts for the day. I will take advantage of any opportunity to be with my guys.
Back to Sis. Our family was sick all during the holidays and Heather knowing she would be traveling tried to avoid all of us and the bug. But unfortunately the first morning there she woke up to a froggy voice and sore throat. I am sorry , sis. This is probably my fault!I hope that all of you have had a great time and will share your stories with me when you get home. In the meantime Ashley, sing like you mean it and win that trip to Hawaii.
Be safe and enjoy the trip. I will pray that God will hold all of you in His mighty right hand and bring you home to me.I will be by the office soon to hear your stories , girls!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Eddie My Husband

I want to say to all of you, that having a great spouse as a friend and a lover , is a gift from God! Ed and I have been married since 1992. It was a second marriage for both of us. We each had children of our own that we brought into the marriage. It was a really hard time for everyone involved.

The kids all had to learn to live with each other and to live with a new parent in the house. We as the couple had to learn how to cope with each others way of parenting. Difficult! Our first years were a struggle and I must admit that we both thought about quitting. But as God would have it, he decided that we would endure these trials.

Ed's relationship with my children was strained. He has a very strong personality and so did they as teenagers. His daughter and I did well until her junior year in high school.Again God took control and made a few hard changes in our lives.

The kids are all grown and have families of their own now. Ed and I have been blessed with mended relationships and four loving little grandchildren. Grandpa loves those babies more than life itself. I know without a doubt that he would lay down his life for any one of them. They in return love him with all the gusto they can muster!

My Ed and I have developed a deep love for each other over the years. It was through prayer and changes in my attitude that has deepened our relationship.He is my hero, my strength and my shelter here on this earth. He understands my love for my Heavenly Father and respects that. I pray that someday we will worship together!

Ed works long hard hours and our time is very limited,, but we make the most of our time together.He loves me and our children and it is evident in his actions. God knew what he was doing when he brought us together. Thank you Lord Jesus, for my husband and my children. You have poured blessings upon us even when we deserved nothing. Continue to care for my Eddie, because you are so much better at it than I am! Bring all of our children home to us Father, keep them and bless them. Amen.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Last night I was having a conversation with my six-year-old grandson. We were planning our Saturday together. I have tried to teach each of my grandchildren to respect and enjoy the sunrises and sunsets. A few times we have driven to a place that we can watch it with out any disruptions. Our music is playing and the moment is awesome.
Aidan expressed that we must start our day by watching another sunrise and we should listen to our Jesus music, then we could go for a walk in the woods and look for wildlife. This was sounding pretty good so far. As our conversation continued he finally asked “Where does God live any way, is he in the sky?”
I answered him by explaining that Jesus lives inside of each of us. That he lives in our hearts. He sat quietly for a few moments and turned to me and said, “ All his parts are in our hearts!”
Isn’t it amazing how the innocence of a child can help you see things in a different perspective? So this morning as I sit here reading Gods word and lifting up this day that he has so lovingly graced me with, I realize that Aidan’s words were sent to me from God to store in my heart.
As I surrender my heart to my Heavenly Father, he promises to fill me up. He will give me His eyes to see others with tenderness and mercy. He will give me His tongue and words of compassion and love to speak to those whom are hurting or are alone. He will give me His hands, so I might reach out o help another. He will give me His feet, so that I can walk a mile in another’s shoes and offer them hope and joy. He will give me His heart so that I may know the unconditional agape love that He has for me.
Yes, Aidan, his parts are in our hearts and it feels good! We must hurry! The sun will be coming up soon and we sure don’t want to miss it. With the dawning of each new day God gives us new grace, so don’t pass it up. Go grab your portion and then honor and glorify Him by sharing His parts with those whose hearts are still empty.
Thank you, Aidan for your words of wisdom!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It Is All In The Tools

Ed and I just recently finished building a new home. Now we didn't do the work ourselves but we probably should have. I must admit that we did quite well getting through the whole process and we were still speaking when we moved in.Anyway we have two couples that are friends and one is building from scratch and doing the work themselves the other couple is remodeling an older home.
In either situation it is important to know your tools. I have learned alot about building and I think I can hold my own when given the chance.We have tools to paint, to scrape, to glue, to bolt,to staple, to plaster, and yes I can use most of them. Now the men in this group have banded together to purchase every type of tool made to help them with the building projects. But just how many tools does it really take?
Our contractor , didn't have very many tools and he seemed to not like them much, because I was forever picking them up out of the rain and placing them in a safer place.But my husband and his two buddies, seem to think that more is better. So it is safe to say that a new tool arrives at one of our homes weekly if not more often.
True , new tools work better, but we had a few homemade jobbies that did what they needed to do and then became trash. A few of the homemade ones have made it to the other job sites because they were so nifty! We should patent them!
Any way I believe I will be using those tools again soon as we travel to Halstead to help out with the remodel job. My husband has hidden a few of them due to the fact that I point out to him that I know how to use them! He thinks he can keep me from our own building and finishing projects. There is some physicology hidden in there somewhere.
If you are getting ready to build something with your spouse and would like advice on tools or on the art of not cementing them into the basement flooring, I can help you out. I think I may buy my own tool belt and just go into business for myself.Wouldn't that send them running?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tis The Season

Since I work in the Doctors office, I am exposed to everything under the sun. Add that, to four little grandchildren and well we have seen alot of sickness this past three months. I awoke in the night with a throat on fire. Wow, if this is what the babies feel, they sure did better than I am.
At 2:00 am I called my husband at work and tried to tell him how badly I was feeling. I think he understood. Anyway, I am up and running for the day, but I am so ready for the cold and flu season to go away. Let there be sunshine, and baby birds singing and green grass and oh yea allergies!
Is there no end to the madness. Snotty noses just will be our trade mark until our little ones grow up.
Speaking of little ones, my son Zachary called this morning to announce that Zeke our 18 month old must be ready to potty train.After leaving a surprise on the carpet for dad , he proudly announced Daddy Look! By the time dad could get things cleaned up and back with the carpet cleaner, Zeke had put on a pair of his sisters shoes and was stomping the remainder into the carpet. Things do seem to come back around as we go through life and have little ones of our own! Sorry, bud, I didn't mean to laugh at least not over the phone!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Am I the only one that has a problem with computers? It seems to be a glich in my system that doesn't allow me to understand the in's and out's of the computer. Hard as I try, there are days when I get myself into a real fix with this machine. What should be a simple click here and a click there, I now have to call out the computer experts to bail me out.
Today for example, I just wanted to change a few things on my blog site. But I have managed to mess things up and will need help later when my frustration level is down.To be a child again, yes my six year old grandson could possibly fix this for me.But I believe I will lay it in the lap of my sister-in-law, Tina. That will give me a great excuse to go visit for a while and to fix this mess.Help Tina!
I have come a long way with computers though. I had to take a course just to learn how to navigate and basically turn it on! How sad!Now , I can google anything. Change a blog site? Probably not!I can't have it all.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Early this morning I was reading the Psalms and Proverbs.We are currently doing a bible study on the book of Hosea and John,so I felt familiar with it.But this morning it was different.God directed me to Hosea 11:8reading from The Promise.
"Israel,(Terri), I can't let you go,I can't give you up. How could I possibly destroy you as I did the towns of Admah and Zeboiim? I just can't do it. My feelings for you are much to strong."
Wow! I was crying at that point. I then went on to read, "No matter what your sins are, God can't forget your status as His own child. He will bring you back to Himself, even though you stray far from Him. You will not be able to forget God, your thoughts will always turn back to Him and the early joy in His love.He will bring you home again."
I couldn't stop crying at this point. I thought about my own children and how I hated fighting with them.It always hurts my heart when they tell me how much they hate me. Or when they strayed away willfully disobeying all of our rules.My only thoughts were of how much I loved them, how much I wanted to hold them.
Our Heavenly Father feels the same about us. .He made such a big sacrifice to give us life. Yet we turn our backs and willfully disobey.
Our Father, placed our names on the palm of His hand. He stamped His love on our hearts,so we couldn't forget Him.
Yet in our rebellion He is forced to allow us to wander in darkness. Tough love is something all parents have had to use at some point in time. It is no fun for either person involved.Tough love hurts, it breaks us down and makes us weary. Then you are offered the chance to come home.There you are as a parent, arms aching, your heart is pounding, then your eyes spot that wayward child. Who runs faster?
I ran this morning. Tears streaming, my heart pounding I ran to my Heavenly Father and begged to come home. Oh what a feeling, to be loved so much! As the sun came up I went out side to head to the barn.
The Great I Am sealed my return with a kiss! The most beautiful sunrise was just beginning. The horses were all waiting for me at the gate. We walked together in silence as the new day dawned!
Thank you for loving me , even when I am not so lovable. You are God, the Almighty. I give you my heart forever.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Horse Games

Once again we have a horse that is injured. Ed and I own four quarter horses , thanks to my loving Brian! I do love ya! It all started some years ago, when Brian and Ed became good friends. Brian owned a horse which he had named Shotgun. As their friendship deepened the guys thought it would be fun for both of them to own a horse. This sent the two guys on a quest to find Ed one,enters Tripp. He was a beautiful and very hateful sorrel horse. He had an attitude from here to New York! I disliked this guy from the get go. He hated me also. But with time, Ed and Tripp began to build a relationship, probably because they both were alot alike!
As the years went by, we began picking up more horses.Next came Danny,then Missfire arrived via Shotgun! And last but not least we have Boone.As of today, because of these four ragtag characters, we now have forty acres and a new house in order to be near them to care for them properly. I love my house so I will not complain!
Any way these horses keeps us busy just keeping them healthy. Tripp now has an injured leg (nothing serious), but it is more work to keep him quiet so he can heal.After rearranging the barn to accomodate Tripp,we are doctoring and praying for a fast recovery. We love our horses and God did us a favor by bringing them into our lives. So Brian, I must say thank you for your part in this adventure! Come and see us, they all need to ride.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Listening to God

The other day in church , a call was put out for support for a childrens trip. It seemed almost immediately, God tapped me on the shoulder and told me to give. I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to argue a little with Him when He calls me to give up much. The dialoge is usually one sided, my side! Are you sure? This can't be so again , Lord. But the more I fight with Him , the more He lays guilt and shame on my heart. So I did what He has requested. The money is still in my hands, but I haven't seen the right person yet to give it away. I should know by now that to those given much , much is asked of you.
During the holidays, the Lord directed me to hand out Christmas gifts to those less fortunate. I emptied my savings account which didn't take much doing, and bought as many things as I could. My grandchildren and I went to the local nursing home and gave each resident a stuffed animal. It was amazing to see the children as they anxiously gave to strangers! The Lord was working in them that day! The awesome thing about this is, He refilled my savings account double what was taken out! Yes, tithing and listening to His instruction has diffinate benefits!
I hope that anyone that reads this will someday learn to trust in God's nudgings. He has great and wonderful things in store for us when we do!
So today , I will give and thank God for His many blessings that He has poured out on me and my family. Father, I will anxiously await your next assignment.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Life Is Good

As I awoke this morning, I laid in my nice cozy bed and thanked God for His many blessings in my life. My son and his wife have had a stretch of illness in their family these past months. But God has been good and healed them all. My daughter and her family are flying to Florida today to enjoy Disney! Pray that they will be safe and come home with many stories!
As I look around me and see the pain and suffering in others lives , I am reminded of how much I am blessed with. I had to really work on my attitude this morning. I had allowed my feelings to be hurt and I was letting pride get in the way. With God's strength , I will let this go and move on.I want what is best for all that are involved.
I am hoping to go home tonight and scrap book a few pictures of our babies! When they all get home from Disney , this grandma will be busy with many pictures! Heather,Sean, Aidan and Landen, please be safe and have tons of fun!
Zachary, Chauncey, Falyn and Zeke, please get well and stay well! I love you!
Alex and Tracy, please soften your hearts and allow us back in. I miss you terribly. Life moves to fast to not have us all together.