Monday, March 16, 2009


At the moment , I am sitting here looking at some of my favorite things and I am loving it!
1. Blue eyes
2.Blonde hair and red hair
3.Smiling faces
4.Dirty hands offering dirty rocks and treasures
5. Snotty noses
6.Small footprints in the sand
7.Coloring pages with I love you Nana scribbled on them
8.Blankets used for rubbing tired noses
9.Fingerprints on my nice clean windows! I enjoy keeping those for a few days!
10.Row of little boots and tennis shoes
11.Trail of food crumbs
12.Pile of ponies and building blocks

Yes, these are a few of my favorite things that is attached to my favorite grandchildren! We are spending a few days together just the five of us. Thank you for sharing!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Such a sweet list of the blessings of grandchildren! (Well, I may not have listed snotty noses as one of my favorites) but we take them along with the sweeter things! Amen!