Saturday, February 7, 2009


Thank you for making my day, Amy! It is 6:00 am and I have been up since 3:30 to get my man off to work. The laundry is done, the vaccuming is finished and I was cruising my blog. To my surprise , I was a winner. I am so excited to read the Gospel Primer. To everyone that has Jesus in your life I commend you. He is the reason for living, for loving and for praising! Have a great weekend and I will be back to post again later.
In Faith

1 comment:

Zoanna said...

Congrats. I SAW that. I won something , too:) Love your new template. How'd you do it? I was hoping for something similar for mine, but I will be content for now. Taking a blog break (from posting) probably for the month. Comments don't count as blogging, do they?