Friday, April 24, 2009

Mouse In The House

I should keep this little story to myself since it reveals my aging mental status, but it was to funny to not share.
The other day I had washed a pair of my tennis shoes,this morning I put them on for the first time. It was still dark outside and I had gone to the front door to let our cats in. As I stepped on the tile and opened the door, I was confronted with a squeaking noise.Quickly I slammed the door shut thinking there was a mouse or a rat at the door. Becoming a little agitated I was moving my feet around which kept producing this squeaking noise. It took me just a little bit of bouncing around to realize that the noise was coming from my shoes and not from a mouse in the house waiting to run up my pant leg.
I was happy that my husband had already gone to bed for the day and had not watched my new dance step.I shared this with my girls at work and of course they wanted to see the new dance, but I refused to share!
I wonder what the cats thought? I probably don't wish to know since they seem to be the ones that sees all of my goofy antics.

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