Saturday, April 25, 2009

This is a picture of my mom on one of our horses. It was taken a few months ago on a nice warm day when our family was altogether for the weekend. My mom has always loved horses and always wanted one. She now comes to our house and will spend time sitting on the porch just watching them graze. This particular day the kids were wanting to ride so we saddled up Danny. Each one had taken their turn when Mom announced that she wanted to ride also.
Ed and Sean helped her up into the saddle and off they went. I do believe that she made more noise than any of the kids! Her excitement was contagious! She begged for more just as loudly as the others and she had her share of rides. It was a great day and I will always cherish the moments that she giggled as a little girl would do.
My mom is aging and with that she is showing signs of dementia. The day will come she will not remember the horse ride, but I will. I love you, Mom. It breaks my heart to see you lost and alone in your own little world. Thank you for your love and for the memories you have shared.


Laurie said...

How sweet is that!!
Your mom looks so happy and so cute!!!
I hate that dementia, but I do believe and trust that NOTHING can separate us from God's love!! Even though we may forget, He never will forget! I'm holing tightly to that promise!!

Zoanna said...

Precious memory you've captured here. I'm sure there will be horses in heaven for your mom to ride. AFter all, what is Jesus riding when He returns, hello?

TAB said...

Such a sweet story. I'm tearing up. Thanks for sharing.