Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Do you believe in angels? I do more so today than yesterday. I have often felt the presence of someone or something at different difficult times in my life, but yesterday I became a firm believer in guardian angels.My little grandson Landen,had a close call yesterday at home. He proceeded to pull all of the drawers out on his mothers dresser in her bedroom. Now the TV and several picture frames and lamp were all sitting on this dresser at the time. Well the dresser became top heavy and fell on our little Landen.The television bounced off the bed and onto the floor, the glass frames and things all shattered and the edge of the dresser came to rest on the edge of the bed. Landen was trapped under it all but his guardian angel had made a little spot between the drawers for him to be safe. After much screaming and tears and panic his mommy and brother were able to get it picked up off of him to discover that he was unscathed by it all.Do angels exist? Yes, they do and I am one grateful Nana for them! I just hope that they have java in heaven because I am certain they will need the extra energy for this one!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I'm so glad Landen was spared from harm!
God is so good! He knows just when to give jobs to His angels!

I wonder about java in heaven! Never thought much about the cuisine, but Java sounds good!