Once again it is 4:30 in the morning and here I sit with computer and a cup of coffee. One would think I would be exhausted after a day with our four grandchildren but they seem to be the only ones snoring this morning! Grandpa and I had them yesterday all to ourselves. We played outside, made a trip to the zoo, stopped for ice cream and topped off the day with a ride in the firetruck with Grandpa at the wheel. Zeke screamed as we climbed in the truck , but it wasn't long he was giggling like everyone else.Grandpa blew the air horn and opened his mouth at the same time as if it was coming from him. The kids cracked up and so did I. Honestly, there are times that would be a possibility with him!
After bathes and chocolate milk, everyone crashed early. Today I think we may work in the garden and from there not sure.The two boys I will have to get back to Salina at some point. It is always fun to have all of them, but I am tired after all the fun and the house is quiet again.
You know , when my kids were little , those sticky hand prints everywhere were annoying, but now we tend to leave them for several days after they are gone as a reminder of our fun! I have a poem about oatmeal kisses and it sure is true. Love those kisses! Love those kids!